Imani Bridges trains, inspires and nurtures people with a call for empowering African communities. It’s distinctiveness is advocating for the restoration of these communities with a Biblically based philosophy of integrating Christian faith and community development activities.
The 2019 Imani Bridges mission week in Badagry was simply incredible, and the power of the Spirit of God was evident across the city. The following gallery are highlights of 2019 so far, watch our slideshow below:
The 2019 Imani Bridges mission week in Badagry was simply incredible, and the power of the Spirit of God was evident across the city. The following gallery are highlights of 2019 so far, watch our slideshow below:
Over the next few weeks, we will be sending some additional e-newsletters to showcase different aspects of the 2019 March Mission week, but today let me introduce our latest ministry initiative: The Imani Cup. But first, a quick history. The journey began...
Over the next few weeks, we will be sending some additional e-newsletters to showcase different aspects of the 2019 March Mission week, but today let me introduce our latest ministry initiative: The Imani Cup. But first, a quick history. The journey began...
God had led us to that community to launch Voice of Hope Ministries. I had a vision and desire, even from the beginning, to develop a comprehensive community development ministry to entire families; children, youth, adults and seniors.
"Oh Lord," I prayed, "where do we start? How do we begin to build trust in a community that had been redlined by banks, abandoned by companies providing local jobs and disenfranchised for decades?"
The Lord showed me that to win the hearts of families, simply love their children. So, my husband, our two young sons and I plus a few volunteers walked down Gentry Street, knocked on doors and invited boys and girls to the local school yard to play soccer. We had a soccer ball, a Bible and some apples. Voice of Hope was birthed on that street.
God had led us to that community to launch Voice of Hope Ministries. I had a vision and desire, even from the beginning, to develop a comprehensive community development ministry to entire families; children, youth, adults and seniors.
"Oh Lord," I prayed, "where do we start? How do we begin to build trust in a community that had been redlined by banks, abandoned by companies providing local jobs and disenfranchised for decades?"
The Lord showed me that to win the hearts of families, simply love their children. So, my husband, our two young sons and I plus a few volunteers walked down Gentry Street, knocked on doors and invited boys and girls to the local school yard to play soccer. We had a soccer ball, a Bible and some apples. Voice of Hope was birthed on that street.
During the March 2018 mission week, a local pastor who had participated in our vocational training approached me with an idea. Could Imani Bridges help him launch a football league, as a sports evangelism program for youth?
After months of planning by this pastor with myself, our key Nigerian partners and a group of additional Badagry pastors, the football league was launched and they named it The Imani Cup. Member churches from the Badagry chapter of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) sponsored teams from 10 districts with 300 boys, who played a full league schedule. On Friday of the 2019 mission week, the semi-finals and finals for the Imani Cup were played on a sandy, make shift soccer field with an old ball and we witnessed this outstanding program complete its inaugural season. In the intense heat of a Nigerian afternoon, the competition was fierce and exciting. Pastors of the churches who had sponsored teams plus parents and friends cheered them on. I had the tremendous privilege to address the teams before play began, and to present the Imani Cup to the captain of the winning team.
During the March 2018 mission week, a local pastor who had participated in our vocational training approached me with an idea. Could Imani Bridges help him launch a football league, as a sports evangelism program for youth?
After months of planning by this pastor with myself, our key Nigerian partners and a group of additional Badagry pastors, the football league was launched and they named it The Imani Cup. Member churches from the Badagry chapter of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) sponsored teams from 10 districts with 300 boys, who played a full league schedule. On Friday of the 2019 mission week, the semi-finals and finals for the Imani Cup were played on a sandy, make shift soccer field with an old ball and we witnessed this outstanding program complete its inaugural season. In the intense heat of a Nigerian afternoon, the competition was fierce and exciting. Pastors of the churches who had sponsored teams plus parents and friends cheered them on. I had the tremendous privilege to address the teams before play began, and to present the Imani Cup to the captain of the winning team.
Many of these boys come from tremendous poverty. Most had borrowed uniforms with worn out shoes, yet their spirits were high and hearts grateful for the opportunity. Throughout the season, pastors shared Christ with the boys, did follow up and invited them to attend church.
Where does The Imani Cup go from here?
Next season, the Imani Cup will also launch a girl’s league. This first season, Imani Bridges provided the money to purchase the trophies plus gave some seed money, but the remainder of the money required came from the local church partners. Those partners operated this league on pennies and my dream would be to help them get some better equipment, basic medical supplies, permanent uniforms, new soccer shoes and ultimately a real soccer (football) field.
Where does The Imani Cup go from here?
Next season, the Imani Cup will also launch a girl’s league. This first season, Imani Bridges provided the money to purchase the trophies plus gave some seed money, but the remainder of the money required came from the local church partners. Those partners operated this league on pennies and my dream would be to help them get some better equipment, basic medical supplies, permanent uniforms, new soccer shoes and ultimately a real soccer (football) field.
The Journey Continues...
As I witnessed the Imani Cup finals, my mind flashed back to a beautiful group of boys and girls in 1982, whose ancestors came to America as enslaved people from Africa. They fiercely chased a soccer ball around the field in West Dallas and later sat around us on the ground as we told them about Jesus and his wondrous love for them.
In 2019, 37 years later, I was transfixed by another group of young people, handsome sons of African soil playing soccer, described by the great star Pele as “The Beautiful Game.” And once again, I had the opportunity to be surrounded by youth, to tell about a Savior who loves them.
The Journey Continues...
As I witnessed the Imani Cup finals, my mind flashed back to a beautiful group of boys and girls in 1982, whose ancestors came to America as enslaved people from Africa. They fiercely chased a soccer ball around the field in West Dallas and later sat around us on the ground as we told them about Jesus and his wondrous love for them.
In 2019, 37 years later, I was transfixed by another group of young people, handsome sons of African soil playing soccer, described by the great star Pele as “The Beautiful Game.” And once again, I had the opportunity to be surrounded by youth, to tell about a Savior who loves them.
ARTWORK ‘Another Life’ by Anthony Nwachukwu
For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example. We were not idle when we were with you, nor did we eat anyone’s food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you. We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help, but in order to offer ourselves as a model for you to imitate. 1For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”
2 Thessalonians 3:7-10 New International Version (NIV)
For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example. We were not idle when we were with you, nor did we eat anyone’s food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you. We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help, but in order to offer ourselves as a model for you to imitate. 1For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”
2 Thessalonians 3:7-10 New International Version (NIV)
Currently, the United States is enjoying tremendous economic success in most areas of society, but we painfully remember what it was like in 2008-2011, when millions of Americans were unemployed. The anguish, frustration and despair boiled over, affecting families, communities, and entire cities. People were willing to work but could not find employment. Like much of the developing world, that scenario is not relegated to a temporary recession in Nigeria, but is normal everyday life. There are hundreds of thousands of unemployed people in Nigeria, including thousands of university graduates unable to find work. Without the same safety nets available in America, life becomes very desperate. Part of the problem is the national school system. There is sometimes a disconnect between subjects taught in the classrooms, and labor market needs.
Imani Bridges is addressing this need with monthly vocational training at the Badagry Transformational Engagement Center (TEC). Students learn a particular craft, and how to start, run and finance a home-based business, or take their skills into the job market and find real employment. This was particularly showcased during the March mission week, where 230 men and women were trained in 10 vocational classes, and 55 in the Imani Leadership Institute business track. |

The response to, and demand for entrepreneurial vocational training is acute, and our Nigerian brothers and sisters are willing and prepared to provide it. As people gain skills and increase their income, families can be stabilized, children receive a better education, self-esteem and confidence grows, and the entire community benefits. This also greatly increases the relevance and outreach of the local churches who participate as partners in the Imani Bridges vision.
How can you help us immediately and long term?
$550 will underwrite the expenses for each individual vocational class. (Some courses like solar and construction are more costly.) Perhaps your home cell group, Sunday school class, or your family would consider underwriting 1 or more classes. Our Nigerian team could provide more classes monthly if the Lord provides the funding.
$2500 will outfit and furnish a computer and lending library at the TEC. Computers and other supplies/materials for students in the classes will be made available to check out and return. We are seeking good working computers, desk tops and laptops, for the library. This donation will also cover the salary for the person in charge of the library at the TEC.
$550 will underwrite the expenses for each individual vocational class. (Some courses like solar and construction are more costly.) Perhaps your home cell group, Sunday school class, or your family would consider underwriting 1 or more classes. Our Nigerian team could provide more classes monthly if the Lord provides the funding.
$2500 will outfit and furnish a computer and lending library at the TEC. Computers and other supplies/materials for students in the classes will be made available to check out and return. We are seeking good working computers, desk tops and laptops, for the library. This donation will also cover the salary for the person in charge of the library at the TEC.
The next class for the Imani Leadership Institute was just completed and Kathy and 4 other American faculty members returned home on June 2.
They joined their Nigerian counterparts and hosted 100+ senior church and denominational leaders for 4 classes; two in Badagry and two in Lagos. This training in church-based community development, now in its 4th segment, is already having widespread influence for God’s Kingdom in communities across the region. The desire of these extraordinary church leaders who are hungry to learn and apply the lessons in their cultural and community context is tremendously impressive.
During the ILI sessions, two monthly vocational classes were completed at the TEC, led by our Nigerian partners. First class was in paint making. Here is America, if we need paint, we simply go to the local store with our paint swatch, choose the color, and walk out with it premixed, or have the store customize it. In Nigeria, such a system does not exist, so if you want paint of any color, someone has to make it for you. Now our graduates can provide that service and get paid for it.
The second class was in purse making, and the students all walked out with a new purse, and the skills to make them, and sell them. Two classes- two new skills- ability to be paid for your labor and knowledge. That is the Christian faith at work in the community.
The next class for the Imani Leadership Institute was just completed and Kathy and 4 other American faculty members returned home on June 2.
They joined their Nigerian counterparts and hosted 100+ senior church and denominational leaders for 4 classes; two in Badagry and two in Lagos. This training in church-based community development, now in its 4th segment, is already having widespread influence for God’s Kingdom in communities across the region. The desire of these extraordinary church leaders who are hungry to learn and apply the lessons in their cultural and community context is tremendously impressive.
During the ILI sessions, two monthly vocational classes were completed at the TEC, led by our Nigerian partners. First class was in paint making. Here is America, if we need paint, we simply go to the local store with our paint swatch, choose the color, and walk out with it premixed, or have the store customize it. In Nigeria, such a system does not exist, so if you want paint of any color, someone has to make it for you. Now our graduates can provide that service and get paid for it.
The second class was in purse making, and the students all walked out with a new purse, and the skills to make them, and sell them. Two classes- two new skills- ability to be paid for your labor and knowledge. That is the Christian faith at work in the community.
Imani Leadership Institute Core Faculty in Calabar, Nigeria with Christ For The World Missions General Overseer, Dr. Nick Ezeh and Dr. Joseph Ekpo, Free Methodist Bishop for the launch of the Imani Leadership Institute in May. Bishop Ekpo and Dr. Ezeh are both IB founding members.
Hurricane Pam destroyed the Pacific island nations located in the South Pacific Ocean about 1000 miles off the northern shore of Australia. One of IB’s founding leaders, Pastor Peter Egho from Nigeria has planted several churches there in the last few years. IB mobilized God’s people around the globe to send almost half a million dollars worth of medical supplies to restock their hospital. A special thank you to Mission Regan for their partnership. The President of Vanuatu said it was the largest private donation in the history of the country.
Hurricane Pam destroyed the Pacific island nations located in the South Pacific Ocean about 1000 miles off the northern shore of Australia. One of IB’s founding leaders, Pastor Peter Egho from Nigeria has planted several churches there in the last few years. IB mobilized God’s people around the globe to send almost half a million dollars worth of medical supplies to restock their hospital. A special thank you to Mission Regan for their partnership. The President of Vanuatu said it was the largest private donation in the history of the country.
Imani Bridges trained over 130 denominational leaders and senior staff. Imani Leadership Institute (ILI) provides contextual and holistic training and resource development through a Church-centered community development strategy.
Imani Bridges trained over 130 denominational leaders and senior staff. Imani Leadership Institute (ILI) provides contextual and holistic training and resource development through a Church-centered community development strategy.
We successfully completed the capital campaign for the school and community center being built in Badagry. In March 2017, seventeen U.S. Team Members will join over 300 members of our partner churches to add the finishing touches and dedicate this new center. On this trip we will also provide health service, eye surgery, dental exams, community clean up and beautification, and children and youth programs.
Spring Creek Church in Garland, Texas has agreed to serve as a U.S. Anchor Partner on Phase II of this project and work with our anchor partners in Nigeria to launch the school and community programs later this year. Badagry will serve as a “best practice” center for all our Nigerian church partners.
We successfully completed the capital campaign for the school and community center being built in Badagry. In March 2017, seventeen U.S. Team Members will join over 300 members of our partner churches to add the finishing touches and dedicate this new center. On this trip we will also provide health service, eye surgery, dental exams, community clean up and beautification, and children and youth programs.
Spring Creek Church in Garland, Texas has agreed to serve as a U.S. Anchor Partner on Phase II of this project and work with our anchor partners in Nigeria to launch the school and community programs later this year. Badagry will serve as a “best practice” center for all our Nigerian church partners.
Dr. Kathy Dudley was honored for her ministry work by two different organizations. VERNA’S H.E.L.P Foundation in Texas presented her the 2016 Living Legends Award at their annual banquet, in recognition of her years of service throughout the City of Dallas:
Dr. Kathy Dudley was honored for her ministry work by two different organizations. VERNA’S H.E.L.P Foundation in Texas presented her the 2016 Living Legends Award at their annual banquet, in recognition of her years of service throughout the City of Dallas:
In October, The Christian Association of Nigerian Americans (CANAN) honored Kathy with their 2016 Friend of Nigeria award at their annual banquet in Houston. Presenting to her and the other 10 distinguished awardees was the Vice President of Nigeria, Professor Yemi Osinbajo:
With trusting relationships and shared values, individuals and structures are empowered to achieve the purposes of God.
In January 2004, Dr. Kathy Dudley was asked to teach a Bishops’ class comprised of seventeen prominent religious leaders representing mainline, evangelical, charismatic, catholic, and indigenous African churches from three African nations, at an evangelical seminary in Lagos, Nigeria. As part of the class, Kathy shared her experiences over the past 25 years, during which she founded and operated several internationally acclaimed sustainable community development organizations, including Voice of Hope and Dallas Leadership Foundation. Inspired by her experience in building strategic partnerships to facilitate leadership & community development, the Bishops agreed to work collaboratively through a new structure. At the request of the Bishops, who now make up the Imani Fellowship, Imani Bridges was founded.
“God in His wisdom and great counsel has given you the ‘grassroots’ of the leadership of our nation. Other leaders come from outside and are given a big stage and a loud applause and that is all. You came and were also given a stage but mainly inside the inner chamber, sitting with those who make decisions for the crowd of the people.” — Oluwasayo Aderemi Ajiboye, President, Redeemed Christian Church of God
With trusting relationships and shared values, individuals and structures are empowered to achieve the purposes of God.
In January 2004, Dr. Kathy Dudley was asked to teach a Bishops’ class comprised of seventeen prominent religious leaders representing mainline, evangelical, charismatic, catholic, and indigenous African churches from three African nations, at an evangelical seminary in Lagos, Nigeria. As part of the class, Kathy shared her experiences over the past 25 years, during which she founded and operated several internationally acclaimed sustainable community development organizations, including Voice of Hope and Dallas Leadership Foundation. Inspired by her experience in building strategic partnerships to facilitate leadership & community development, the Bishops agreed to work collaboratively through a new structure. At the request of the Bishops, who now make up the Imani Fellowship, Imani Bridges was founded.
“God in His wisdom and great counsel has given you the ‘grassroots’ of the leadership of our nation. Other leaders come from outside and are given a big stage and a loud applause and that is all. You came and were also given a stage but mainly inside the inner chamber, sitting with those who make decisions for the crowd of the people.” — Oluwasayo Aderemi Ajiboye, President, Redeemed Christian Church of God